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Cessna Pilot's Information Manual
Cessna 182T Skylane, normally aspirated with the Garmin G-1000 avionics suite and KAP-140 Autopilot.
Cessna Part Number: 182TIMAUS
For years, obtaining an Information Manual has been surprisingly difficult. But not any more. These original manuals are a great way to review key subjects before flight lessons and are invaluable when transitioning to a new airplane. They are also perfect for renters who do not have access to an airplane-specific Pilot's Operating Handbook. Includes important information like checklists, limitations, systems descriptions and performance charts. An essential for students and professionals alike.
Please Note:This manual is the generic form of the Pilot Operating Handbook and is specific to the make and model indicated. However, it is not specific to any serial number of this nor any model in production and may not be used when serial number specific manual is required. Consult a dealer or the manufacturer regarding serial number specific aircraft manuals.
The image shown may not represent the actual manual.