This manual has been recently re-released by the FAA is is currently being
printed only by ASA.
Unless otherwise requested, you will receive the ASA version at its price.
This is the FAA's primary resource for helicopter operations knowledge;
it is essential reading for applicants preparing for the exams for private,
commercial, or flight instructor pilot certificates with a helicopter class
rating. In addition to a basic introduction to the helicopter, readers will find
chapters on aerodynamics, flight controls, systems, performance, ground
procedures, basic and advanced flight maneuvers, emergencies and hazards,
attitude instrument flying, night operations, and aeronautical decision-making.
Previously titled Rotorcraft Flying Handbook, this new edition is
designed for use by flight instructors, pilots preparing for a helicopter rating
FAA Knowledge and Practical exam, and helicopter-rated pilots wishing to improve
their knowledge.
Full-color illustrations throughout, includes glossary and index. Soft cover,
195 pages. 2012.
This handbook replaces the previously issued 8083-21 released in 2000.
Helicopter Instructor's Guide
Existing Jeppesen Edition:
This book is valuable to both students preparing for their certificates with
a helicopter or gyroplane rating, and to flight instructors as a teaching aid.
Both aeronautical knowledge and operating skills are covered. Replaces AC
Full-color illustrations throughout, includes glossary and index. Soft cover,
208 pages.
This item is available only by special order. The recommended version is published by ASA
for availability and cost. Click
Here to view.