Are you anxious during slow flight and stalls because you are apprehensive about spins? Do not fear the spin; understand it. Spins are just another thing airplanes do, and you should train for spin recovery.
Proper spin training begins with an introduction to stall and unusual attitude recovery. You need to understand that a heavy hand or misuse of the controls, during an unusual attitude, can stall the wing and begin a spin event.
The legendary Bob Hoover said "just fly the thing". This video will help you learn to do that with a discussion of:
- Stall recovery. Just stop pulling back!
- Top rudder to recover from a nose low unusual attitude.
- Zero G maneuver to recover from a nose high unusual attitude.
- Top rudder and unload to recover from a spin.
The information presented in this video has been the subject of seminars presented by Jim at Sun-n-Fun Forums and FAA Safety Team programs. Many of the visual aides are taken directly from Jimï¾’s syllabus for teaching Emergency Maneuvers and from his most popular course of instruction, Spin and Upset Recovery. This DVD is not a substitute for actually learning stall, upset and spin recovery in an airplane; however, photos and action video from the pilot's perspective in the cockpit are the next best thing.
The maneuvers in the video are relevant:
- they are scenario based
- they are demonstrated in a Decathlon -- it is like flying a Cessna or Piper type aircraft
- they are discussed from the perspective of the a general aviation pilot's experience
Other products by Jim Alsip:
Key Points Videos are produced by Jim Alsip, a Master Certified Flight Instructor with an aerobatic endorsement. As principal of Dylan Aviation located in south east Florida, Jim Alsip provides specialized flight instruction that has attracted pilots from across the United States, South America and almost every country in Europe. The unique, Dylan Aviation five star venue offers aerobatic training, tailwheel endorsement, spin and upset recovery training and a best buy, all around course of instruction in emergency maneuvers.
Jim Alsip is a resident of Indiantown, Florida. He is an active member of the International Aerobatic Club (IAC), a charter member of the Society of Aviation and Flight Educators (SAFE), and has been an active FAA Safety Team Representative with the Vero Beach, Florida chapter. Jim regularly conducts PowerPoint seminars at Lakeland, Florida's Sun-n-Fun Fly-In and speaks at FAA's Lakeland Production Facility. He also appears weekly on GA TV Online in the segment titled "Hangar Talk". Several of Jim's videos may be seen at his YouTube channel.