Austin Flight Check Training Solutions

(512) 535-5355

FAA Pilot Handbooks | Austin Flight Check Training Solutions Page 2

Product Code AC0045G2
FAA Aviation Weather Services - AC00-45G, Change 2
Includes information in all areas of weather reports, forecasts and analysis, with details on the TAF/METAR system
Advisory Circular 00-45G, Change 2 (2014)
List Price: $24.95
Product Code 8083-9A
FAA Aviation Instructor's Handbook - 8083-9A

FAA official handbook, a comprehensive resource for all instructors.

List Price: $19.95
Product Code 8083-4
FAA Helicopter Instructor's Handbook
The Helicopter Instructor's Handbook is an authentic FAA document, and a primary resource for teaching helicopter operations.
List Price: $24.95
Product Code 8083-29
FAA Powered Parachute Flying Handbook

The primary reference text for the FAA Knowledge Exam for the Powered Parachute.

FAA-H-8083-29, Reprint by ASA.

Product Code 8083-27A
FAA Student Pilot Guide
How Do I Get A Pilotï¾’s License? Where do I start? Who can I ask? All these questions and more are answered in the FAAï¾’s Student Pilot Guide.
FAA-H-8083-27A, Reprint by ASA.
Product Code 8083-23
FAA Seaplane, Skiplane, and Float|Ski Equipped Helicopter Operations Handbook
This operational handbook introduces the basic skills necessary for operating on water, snow, and ice
FAA-H-8083-23, Reprint by ASA
List Price: $16.95
Product Code 8083-19A
FAA Plane Sense
General aviation information on owning and operating an aircraft
FAA-H-8083-19A, Reprint by ASA
List Price: $16.95
Product Code 8083-16A
FAA Instrument Procedures Handbook -
IFR operations and procedural handbook for real-world use; explains for instrument-rated pilots how best to use the system they've been trained for.
Formerly FAA-H-8261-1A, Reprint by ASA.
List Price: $29.95
Product Code 10001933
Jeppesen Instrument Procedures Guide
Provides detailed coverage of instrument charts and procedures including IFR takeoff, departure, enroute, arrival, approach, and landing operations.
Addresses Jeppesen-published procedures.
List Price: $45.95
Product Code 10001841
FAA Weight and Balance Handbook
Helpful information on weight and balance for pilots, flight engineers, and aviation maintenance technicians (AMTs).
Reprint by Jeppesen.
List Price: $19.96
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