Finally, a fun to read human factors book! Learn more than you thought possible
about how your brain works in critical aviation situations. Reads like a book
one buys for sheer enjoyment.
Plane Talk's 96 chapters cover many human
factor issues. Since about 85% of all accidents are due to pilot error, this
book is important to anyone who flies an aircraft. If you want the mental
advantage that makes you safer as a pilot, then you must read Plane Talk. These
442 pages contain important skills. Machado makes them easy to learn and easy to
recall by using his trademark humor throughout this thought-provoking book.
Risk management, CRM and human factors - go beyond the acronyms.
Pilots claim these pages have saved their lives. When you learn these lessons it will
be as if an experienced copilot whispers the precise answer in your ear at those
pivotal moments when you desperately need the correct answer to make the proper
decision. Critical decisions require knowledge, skill and experience. Plane Talk
provides all three of these and discusses topics that worry pilots most. These
lessons are pertinent to all aviators, from student pilot to fighter pilot.
Here's What's Inside:
How to Assess and Manage Aviation Risks
Learn how safe pilots think, how
to apply the safety strategy used by General Jimmy Doolittle (known as the
master of the calculated risk), how famed gunfighter Wyatt Earp can help you
cope with aviation's risks, how misleading aviation statistics can be and why
flying isn't as dangerous as some folks say it is.
Several Techniques for Making Better Cockpit Decisions
Discover how to use
your inner copilot in the cockpit and the value of one good question asked
upside down.
New Ways to Help You Cope With Temptation
Fly safer by developing an
aviation code of ethics, understand how human nature can trick you into flying
beyond your limits, why good pilots are prejudiced and how a concept like honor
will protect you while aloft.
How to Use Your Brain for a Change
You can learn faster by understanding
how the learning curve--the brain's performance chart--is affected by the little
lies we tell ourselves, the mistakes we need to make, our need to please our
instructors, and simulator and memory training.
The Truth About Flying, Anxiety and Fear
Learn why it's often the safest
of pilots that make excuses instead of flights, why anxiety should be treated as
a normal part of flying, and a three-step process to avoiding panic in the
How to Handle First Time Flyers and Anxious Passengers
Discover how to
behave around new passengers, how to avoid most common mistakes that scare
passengers in airplanes and how to reduce the cockpit stress between pilot and
Favorite Skills Used By Good Pilots
Learn why good pilots scan behind an
airplane as well as ahead of it, are sometimes rough and bully-like on the
flight controls, occasionally fly without using any of the airplane's electronic
navigation equipment, don't worry about turbulence breaking their airplanes,
master airspeed control as a means of making better landings and much more
Chapter Excerpts:
Softcover, 456 pages.