Austin Flight Check Training Solutions

(512) 535-5355

All Products - Austin Flight Check

Product Code YCF
You Can Fly!

For prospective pilots, an exciting and informative introduction to the world of flying and flight training, profusely illustrated with full-color photography.

by Greg Brown & Tom Lippert

List Price: $19.95
Product Code WFC
Water Flying Concepts
This book is a long-time industry standard written for the pilot who has read the "How to" books but would like to know more.
by Dale DeRemer
Product Code WAP-BWD
Blue Water Ditching
A must read for pilots who fly over blue water, from the single engine ferry flight to the heavy iron airliner.
by Dave Montgomery
List Price: $21.95
Product Code WAP-44
The Compleat Taildragger
Don't judge this book by its cover, acclaimed by many, criticized by few!
by Harvey S. Plourde
List Price: $29.95
Product Code VES-001
The Zoomers
The perfect child's aviation book that positive values and ethics.
by Vesna Ajic
Product Code VAP-100
Icarus Envy - The Lure of Light Sport Flying (DVD)
Hold on to your hat! This film takes you on an awesome ride in some of aviation's most exciting aircraft!
List Price: $21.95
Product Code TS-AIR
Thunderstorms and Airplanes
Much research is done on the subject of thunderstorms, usually resulting in an admonition to stay out of storms. But staying out of trouble takes more than a resolve ï¾— it takes savvy.
by Richard Collins
List Price: $19.95
Product Code TO-LDG
Takeoffs and Landings
Leighton Collins' aviation classic provides expert, flight-tested techniques pilots need to takeoff and land safely, skillfully, every time.
List Price: $19.95
Product Code TA136103
Aviation Weather Handbook
Fly safely in all weather conditions as you master the flying skills and strategies of expert aviators.
List Price: $51.95
Product Code SPT
Seaplane Pilot
Comprehensive text for pilots adding the seaplane rating to their license and for seaplane pilots to learn more, using full-color photography and illustrations throughout.
by Dale DeRemer
List Price: $39.95
Product Code SPOTTER-PAS
Plane Spotter - Passenger Airliners

How often are you trying to figure out what manufacturer and model plane you're seeing? This helps!

List Price: $14.00
Product Code SPOTTER-MIL
Plane Spotter - Military Aircraft

How often are you trying to figure out what manufacturer and model plane you're seeing? This helps!

List Price: $14.00
Product Code SHORT-APP
Flight Training: Taking the Short Approach
A comprehensive orientation to aviation - find out what's involved with learning to fly and earning a pilot's license in this streamlined approach to flight training.
by David Diamond
List Price: $39.95
Product Code SFP-9780983363132
Flight Emergency
Take The Left Seat In Eight Role-Playing Emergency Scenarios
Reya Kempley
List Price: $19.95
Product Code SD
Skydancing: Aerobatic Flight Techniques
Covers all the basic aerobatic moves and much more, with easy to follow instructions and diagrams.
by David Robson
List Price: $19.95
Product Code RW-4
Rotary Wing Flight
Reprint of US Army FM 1-51, edited and adapted for civilian helicopter students.
List Price: $15.95
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Everything Explained for the Professional Pilot
Everything Explained for the Professional Pilot
Regularly: $59.95


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