Austin Flight Check Training Solutions

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All Products - Austin Flight Check - Page 9

Product Code ASA-8083-9B
FAA Aviation Instructor's Handbook - 8083-9B

FAA official handbook (FAA-H-8083-9B), a comprehensive resource to prepare for the Fundamentals of Instructing (FOI) Knowledge Exam.

List Price: $19.95
Product Code ASA-8083-6
FAA Advanced Avionics Handbook

The FAA's guide to help you master todayï¾’s sophisticated cockpits.

FAA-H-8083-6,Reprint by ASA.

List Price: $19.95
Product Code ASA-8083-3A
FAA Airplane Flying Handbook

Includes all of the information required by the FAA for in-flight operations. A "must" for all pilots.

FAA-H-8083-3A, Reprint by ASA.

List Price: $19.95
Product Code ASA-8083-31V2
FAA Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook: Airframe Volume 2

This FAA handbook provides knowledge for earning the Aviation Maintenance Technician certificate, Airframe section. The FAA Airframe test questions are drawn from here. Last updated in 2012, this new edition has been updated to reflect current technologies, equipment and procedures.

List Price: $44.95
Product Code ASA-8083-31V1
FAA Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook: Airframe Volume 1

This FAA handbook provides knowledge for earning the Aviation Maintenance Technician certificate, Airframe section. The FAA Airframe test questions are drawn from here. Newly updated for 2018, this new edition reflects current technologies, equipment and procedures.

List Price: $44.95
Product Code ASA-8083-30A
FAA Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook: General

FAA handbook provides knowledge for earning the Aviation Maintenance Technician certificate, General section.

List Price: $34.95
Product Code ASA-8083-28
FAA Aviation Weather Handbook

Key reference for meteorology and weather services pertinent to FAA Knowledge Exams and airman certification.

List Price: $49.95
Product Code ASA-8083-25B
FAA Pilot Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge

Includes principles of flight, airplanes and engines, performance, weather, navigation, and more.

List Price: $24.95
Product Code ASA-8083-21B
FAA Helicopter Flying Handbook

This is the FAAï¾’s primary resource for helicopter operations knowledge; it is essential reading for applicants preparing for knowledge exams with a helicopter class rating.

List Price: $24.95
Product Code ASA-8083-1A
FAA Aircraft Weight and Balance Handbook

Helpful information on weight and balance for pilots, flight engineers, and aviation maintenance technicians (AMTs)

FAA-H-8083-1A, Reprint by ASA

List Price: $9.95
Product Code ASA-8083-15B
ASA  Instrument Flying Handbook

FAA-H-8083-15B reprint. Primary reference text for the Instrument Rating FAA Knowledge Exam.

List Price: $24.95
Product Code ASA-8083-13A
FAA Glider Flying Handbook - 2nd Edition

Beautifully illustrated full-color technical manual, for applicants preparing for glider category ratings and for currently certificated glider pilots who wish to improve their knowledge.

List Price: $24.95
Product Code ASA-8081-SPORT
ASA Sport Pilot|Sport Instructor Practical Test Standards

Sport Pilot Practical Test Standads

Product Code ASA-8081-AMT-4
AMT Practical Test Standards - With Change 1

Current AMT Practical Test Standards for General, Airframe, and Powerplant all in one book!

List Price: $9.95
Product Code ASA-8081-9D
ASA Flight Instructor - Instrument Rating Practical Test Standards

FAA Flight Instructor - Instrument Practical Test Standards

List Price: $5.95
Product Code ASA-8081-6DS
ASA Flight Instructor Practical Test Standards - Single Engine

FAA Flight Instructor - Airplane Single Engine Land/Sea Practical Test Standards

List Price: $5.95


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